Live a Praying Life Women's Study

Women's Ministry Sun City Campus Bible Studies

Online Registration December 9 - 30
(scroll down for blue registration button)

LIVE A PRAYING LIFE: Open Your Life to God’s Power and Provision by Jennifer Kennedy Dean

13 sessions (w/video) -- led by Charlotte Pierson & Carella DeVol

This very popular revised study goes back to the biblical basics of prayer, cleaning out myths about prayer to rev up a powerful, ongoing connection to God that can invigorate every aspect of a Christian’s life. The study tackles the complex theological questions: If God is sovereign, why pray and if prayer is not a way to change God’s mind, what is it? Prayer is a way, Jennifer illustrates, for God to send His power and provision into the world through His people. The study takes a detailed look at prayer’s purpose, process, promise, and practice.


To register, use the blue button below or call 512-869-1310 ext. 1000 for assistance with registration or to register by phone.

  • Registration for all WOW Bible Studies is $20 and covers the cost of the study book, any DVDs, and other leadership materials required. Books are ordered by the church and are available on the first day of class at which time payment is due by cash or check. Scholarships are available by contacting Donna Betts at
  • Most classes are limited to 15 women.  If the Bible Study in which you are interested is full, please sign up for the Waiting List by contacting Donna Betts at Invariably people drop out of studies before they begin or don’t attend on the first day, so openings do occur. Also, this is a great indicator the study needs to be repeated and could become available to you in the future.
  • Please register for only 1 (one) study so that more women can attend.  Be sure to mark your study dates on your calendar!  If you find you cannot attend, please quickly cancel so we can fill your seat before the sessions begin.

(TWP membership and Sun City residency not required)

Seize this opportunity to invite the women in your life to study the Bible too!

Event Coordinator Donna Betts

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