The Worship Place Story

Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.  Psalm 127:1

The Vision:

In July 1998, retired attorney George Moorman had a vision of a church located inside Sun City where residents from all denominations could come for fellowship and worship without having to leave the immediate area. He placed an ad in the Sun Rays inviting other interested people to a meeting. Thirty showed up at the library in the Social Center, agreed on goals, then began working together to make it happen. A Stetson hat was used to collect donations for the rent and resident Rev. William Bolick volunteered to serve as pastor for six months.

The Space:

After only 5 services, the attendance at this new church had grown to 74 and the library no longer met the needs. A section of the Ballroom in Sun City was rented and services continued to grow at a steady pace.

The Name:

TWP founder George Moorman filed Articles of Incorporation for the Interdenominational Church. The initial group agreed - if The Caring Place took care of physical needs, this new church would take care of the spiritual needs of anyone who chose to come. Dorothy Morrow, a member of the first Steering Committee, suggested the fitting name - The Worship Place, and it was unanimously approved. Soon it was decided anyone who had joined the church prior to October 31, 1998 would be considered Charter Members. As the congregation grew, it became evident more structure and guidance was needed if the church was going to be sustained. In January 1999 it was determined the original Steering Committee would also be the first Board of Trustees.

The Land:

While the Ballroom continued to be the venue for The Worship Place services, attendance increased steadily and donations remained a major source for rent. Discussions of having a church building inside Sun City began. Even though the developers of Sun City had no plans for a church, at the determination and persistence of Mr. Moorman and others, TWP was granted permission to purchase 8 acres of land in November 1999.

The Building

God showered blessings on His people and in April 2002 ground was broken for the beautiful sanctuary. On March 9, 2003 the first worship service was held.  Recognizing steady growth of the congregation and expansion of the various ministries, the need for even more space for offices, meetings, choir practice, Bible Studies, and a larger kitchen became evident. By 2008 plans were in place to add the large multi-purpose Fellowship Hall which was completed in July 2012.

The Rocky Hollow Campus:

In order to minister and serve the expanding Sun City population as well as those living in areas surrounding the community, a church building on 20 acres of land sitting right outside the boundaries of Sun City was purchased in early 2016. After a few renovations, the first worship service was held in September of the same year.

TWP "Woodside"

In April 2023, The Worship Place members approved the purchase of 10.4 acres at Madison in Georgetown in which to build in the future.  The closing date was October 2, 2023 at a cost of $2,750,000.  A Capital Campaign is underway with the goal of paying down that obligation. 

What we mean by “interdenominational”

There are fundamental and essential tenets contained in the Bible which we hold as foundational for our Church.  Because we are interdenominational, we desire to allow for freedom of conviction on non-essential doctrinal matters, provided that any interpretation and teaching is based on the Bible alone.  We are an autonomous church body and we do not ascribe to any denominational structure for leadership or accountability. Our goal by being interdenominational is to break down denominational walls in an effort to unite people in Christ.

our mission, vision and core values