We provide practical, emotional, educational, and spiritual support for caregivers. We offer in-home companionship to a loved one and respite (relief) for the caregiver, as well as offer workshops, guest speakers and social events.
This ministry initiates telephone contact with those who need comfort, encouragement and prayer and have been placed on the Weekly Prayer List. Each call reaffirms they are loved, thought about and prayed for by their church family.
This in-person support group focuses on the caregivers of those with dementia and takes place the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at the Sun City Campus, 1:15 - 3:00 pm.
A 13-week support group that helps you heal from the pain of separation or divorce. The experience involves three main components designed to help in that healing: video seminar, a focused support group, and a participant guide.
Do you need help with routine home maintenance? We help with things like changing light bulbs/smoke detector batteries, adding salt pellets to a water softener, changing AC filters, temporary, light emergency housekeeping in the event of illness or injury.
Each group consists of 8 members who come together to fellowship, share, support, love, and pray with and for one another.
GriefShare is a network of 12,000+ churches worldwide equipped to offer grief support groups. The program is nondenominational and features biblical concepts for healing from grief. Learn more about GriefShare at www.griefshare.org. This seminar series is offered twice a year at The Worship Place.
We meet one-on-one with family members with loved ones affected by mental illness such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, depression and anxiety disorders, and are trained and certified by NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness).
An outreach to those who have cancer or other chronic health issues who need God's hope no matter what their situation, circumstance, or latest scan results. We meet the 1st Thursday of each month, 3:00 - 5:00 pm at the Sun City Campus.
Answers questions and provides assistance to church members who have recently lost a spouse or are otherwise in need of help in maintaining financial security.
Join us as we gather to pray as a church body. We have scripture readings, praise and worship songs/hymns, and prayer on a wide range of topics. There are three Prayer Ministry groups: Monday Prayer & Share, Thursday Prayer Warriors and 3rd Tuesday Prayer HUB, all at Sun City Campus.
Volunteers prepare and deliver homemade meals, soup and bread, to those who are ill or are recovering from surgery and unable to prepare meals. Church members are also welcome to pick up soup/meals and bread from the designated freezers located at both campuses.
Meets from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm on Thursdays, and is designed to provide a friend and a day of activities, including lunch, to those afflicted with various forms of dementia and provide a few hours of relief to caregivers.
This group of lay people has gone through extensive training to provide confidential one-to-one Christ-centered care to those who are experiencing grief, loss or any difficulty in their lives.
This ministry serves the needs of men and women military veterans, with three main focuses: Fellowship, Education, and Outreach. Help us build a support network for one another. Third Monday of each month, 9:00 am at Rocky Hollow Campus.